
National Institute of Informatics / SOKENDAI

S. Koyama's Lab

Welcome to Audio Processing Research Group at National Institute of Informatics, Tokyo, Japan! This group led by Prof. Shoichi Koyama was created in 2023.

Our principal research interests are signal processing and machine learning in audio and acoustics. In particular, we develop methodologies for analysis and control of acoustic fields with their applications to virtual/augmented reality audio, noise control, acoustic imaging, and others.

Join our group if interested in our research!


Acoustic signal processing, machine learning for audio, microphone and loudspeaker array processing, spatial audio


Mar 15, 2024 Project Researcher (PostDoc) position opening 🔎
Mar 14, 2024 Presentation from our team at IEEE ICASSP 2024 🇰🇷
Feb 20, 2024 Mr. David Sundström (Lund University, Sweden) joined our lab as an intern 🚀
Dec 25, 2023 Prof. Mirco Pezzoli from Polimi started his two-months stay at our lab as a visiting researcher.
Nov 24, 2023 Prof. Koyama gave an invited talk at ASJ/IEICE EA Workshop 🧑‍🏫